Sandy Rios: Obama Inspired Fatal Hammer Attack By Condemning Violence

Sandy Rios of the American Family Association made the case on her radio show today that President Obama’s repeated condemnations of violence in Ferguson, Missouri, actually proved that Obama wanted to encourage violence.

In fact, Rios believes that Obama, along with Attorney General Eric Holder and the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan, inspired the murder of a Bosnian-American in St. Louis: “I guess a bunch of teens near Ferguson must have been listening, or at least they took to heart the message of the race haters like Louis Farrakhan and I believe like Eric Holder and I believe like Barack Obama because outside, not far from Ferguson, Missouri, an immigrant who was Bosnian but of course he looks white, he was in his car driving, he came up to a stop sign, black young men came to the car, started hitting his car with a hammer, he got out of his car to stop them and they beat him to death.”

“The president is saying publicly, ‘oh we shouldn’t be violent,’ wink-wink, nod-nod, and yet he stokes it constantly, we know that he actually met with protesters in Ferguson,” Rios said.

She also criticized Professor Christopher Emdin for writing a blog post on “5 Ways to Teach About Michael Brown and Ferguson in the New School Year,” warning that he and others are “stoking the fires.”