Porter: Obama to use FEMA to ‘Stifle Dissent’

As FEMA helps the millions of people affected by Hurricane Sandy, Janet Porter of Faith2Action is warning that the agency is actually out to suppress conservatives. Porter has previously suggested that Obama is going to throw Americans into FEMA buses and put them in internment camps, all while conducting peace negotiations with Osama bin Laden. Today she used her radio alert to warn that FEMA Corps may be “a standing army to stifle dissent.”

Is it a standing army to stifle dissent? That’s what some think the real purpose is for the new group that the government calls FEMA Corps. In September, the Department of Homeland Security graduated its first class of 231 students, consisting of 18 to 24 year olds who were recruited from the President’s AmeriCorps volunteers.

Some question whether they are really part of a new civilian security force that President Obama has called for in speeches. Reasons for the concern include FEMA’s 2,500 new armored vehicles that come complete with slots for machine guns.

I know it sound’s unbelievable, but so does the fact that Homeland Security has purchased more than one billion bullets this year.

It’s time to take a closer look into FEMA Corps!

FEMA Corps is actually a partnership between FEMA and AmeriCorps “designed to give members comprehensive skills to help relief efforts in nationally designated disaster areas” by training “young volunteers to physically and psychologically handle the demands of working in hazardous areas.” Fire Chief editor Mary Rose Roberts adds that “FEMA Corps members’ assignments can range from rehabilitating low-income housing, responding to natural disasters, cleaning up streams, helping communities develop emergency plans and addressing other local needs.”

In fact, 240 FEMA Corps members are aiding the response to Hurricane Sandy. But maybe they are going to put conservatives into prison camps? Who knows!

Not to be outdone, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah today argued that conservatives, veterans and people of faith all may be sent to jail if Obama is re-elected. He argues that Obama get rid of free elections and the media as his “biggest critics will be rounded up in the name of national security.” How? According to Farah, the new Homeland Security Partnership Council, which works with NGOs in responding to natural disasters and preventing terrorist attacks, is actually going to “deputize ‘community organizers’ like him to determine who represents a real threat to the republic.”

I know it’s Halloween, but this is more terrifying than ghosts and goblins and vampires.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If Barack Obama is re-elected Nov. 6 for a second term, he will declare a full-scale war on his domestic opposition.

There may not be another free and fair election in America.

I would expect due process to go the way of the horse and buggy.

I think he will move to shut down and destroy all independent media.

In fact, I think his biggest critics will be rounded up in the name of national security.

Last week, for instance, with little fanfare, Obama issued an executive order establishing something that sounds so innocent on the surface – but it could prove to be a vehicle for the kind of political putsch I am describing.

It establishes the “White House Homeland Security Partnership Council.”

Essentially, Obama wants to deputize “community organizers” like him to determine who represents a real threat to the republic.

If any Republican, conservative, independent journalist, pro-life activist, returning veteran, gun-rights activist, constitutionalist, Bible believer or critic of Obama thinks they will be safe in a second term under this would-be despot, they had better think again – real fast.