Operation Rescue Rejoices At Doctor’s Death: “God Always Gets The Last Word”

Dr. William Harrison was an ardent supporter of a woman’s right to reproductive choice which, in turn, made him a frequent target of right-wing anti-choice activists.

On Friday, he died after a four-month battle with leukemia … and Operation Rescue is rejoicing, seeing it as proof that “God always gets the last word”:

“We are thankful that this man will never again have the opportunity to kill any more babies, hurt any more women, or cause any more human misery on this Earth,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “In the end, God always gets the last word. Our Christian faith informs us that one day we will all have to stand before God and give an account for our lives. Without faith in Christ, the outlook for Mr. Harrison’s meeting with his Maker is grim. We pray other aging abortionists around the nation will not follow Harrison’s example, but will instead find repentance and forgiveness for their bloodguilt through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.”