Michael Savage: Obama And Pope Francis Bringing Communism And Chaos To America

In would be an understatement to say that Michael Savage is no fan of Pope Francis. The right-wing radio host continued his rantings against the pope on Tuesday, telling his listeners that Francis is nothing more than “a naked Marxist posing as a pope.”

“This faker pope is coming to America to talk not to you in the pews, but to prisoners, transgendered [sic] and homeless,” Savage shouted. “You tell me there’s not a worldwide Marxist revolution occurring right under your noses. Go ahead, tell me that, make my day. And if you think it ends well, you’re wrong. Remember how many died under Communism. A hundred million.”

On Monday, Savage attacked his other least favorite communist: President Obama.

Savage accused Obama of working with the media and the “insane left” to squelch the freedom of speech of conservatives like Donald Trump.

“Obama’s [been] engaged in a civil war from the day he began,” Savage said, claiming that “this man is trying to burn the country down.”