Mat Staver: Marriage Equality Might Turn Kids Gay

In an interview in January, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver warned that the Supreme Court could “change Western Civilization” if it “goes the wrong way” and strikes down bans on same-sex marriage.

Marriage equality, he said on the conservative radio show “Point of View,” might even lure children into homosexuality.

“It also changes everything in the school when they begin to learn not just about same-sex relationships, but about same-sex activities,” Staver said. “They ultimately get encouraged to pursue this kind of lifestyle. They have gender confusion when young boys naturally are gravitating towards one another and young girls towards one another, if you now inject the same-sex sexual activity into the school curriculum, it will suggest to them and ultimately push them on a road of experimentation where they might engaged in same-sex activity.”

Staver also saw the bright side of a gay marriage victory, claiming that the effects of legal same-sex marriage will be so devastating that “we could see the greatest revival of our country and the church standing up being the church.”

If not, Staver warned, “we’re going to see persecution.”

“This is going to be the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s for religious liberty,” he said.