Klingenschmitt: Military ‘Openly Encouraged’ Sexual Abuse of Christian Soldiers

Former military chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt is citing an article by fellow anti-gay activist Ron Crews to warn that the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell has led to the “persecution” of Christians in the military. “Christian troops endure open homosexual harassment,” Klingenschmitt writes in his latest email to members of his Pray In Jesus Name Project, “Sexual harrassment [sic] is banned in the military, unless you’re a homosexual abusing a Christian, then it’s openly encouraged.”

Klingenschmitt also argued that soldiers should be able to refuse to share a bunk with an openly gay soldier because otherwise they will be groped: “imagine the horror of being ‘chosen’ as a bunkmate, and then being forced to endure ogling or groping without complaining.” Later, he called on activists to support the “Military Religious Freedom Act” because “President Obama’s latest assault on military Christians” includes having “Christian chapels [become] desecrated by acts of sodomy.”

‘Gay’ Sailors can choose Bunkmates, but Christian Sailors can’t opt-out.

As the Presidential election distracts the Senate from passing the Pentagon budget, military chaplains remain under immense pressure to facilitate homosexual ‘weddings’ in military chapels in all 50 states.

In New Jersey, Florida, and Lousiana [sic] Christian military chapels have been desecrated by acts of sodomy, despite the fact all three of these states prohibit gay ‘marriage.’

Now the Washington Times confirms what we said all along, that military Christians face persecution since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, which already causes anti-Christian discrimination. Christian troops endure open homosexual harassment. For example:

“At an officer training service school, a male serviceman sexually harassed another male serviceman through text messages, emails, phone calls and in-person confrontations. The harassing male insisted the two would ‘make a great couple.’ The harassed serviceman reported the harassment, but the command failed to take disciplinary action.”

Homosexual Sailors receive preferential treatment. “The Navy has allowed sailors openly engaged in homosexual behavior to choose their bunkmates,” says Col. Ron Crews, a retired Chaplain leading the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty.

But if Christian Sailors don’t want a homosexual roommate, they cannot refuse one. Christians who refuse such open homosexual advances are labeled as discriminators. Can you say double-standard? Just imagine the horror of being “chosen” as a bunkmate, and then being forced to endure ogling or groping without complaining.

Sexual harrassment [sic] is banned in the military, unless you’re a homosexual abusing a Christian, then it’s openly encouraged. For example, desecrating their chapels. (Examples and proof below.) But will the Senate protect chaplains and Christians?

Let’s take a stand for our Christian troops rights, especially Chaplains, today.

In response to YOUR faxes, two Senators Roger Wicker (R-MS) and my friend James Inhofe (R-OK) have just introduced new legislation in the Senate, as “The Military Religious Freedom Act.” I met with Wicker’s staff this summer, and they received my suggestion clearly, since the new bill mirrors the two good amendments already passed by the House, and protects both military chaplains AND chapels from desecration.

Sadly, more homosexual “weddings” are desecrating Christian chapels on military bases, for example in this story that features a Navy Chaplain who apparently desecrates a Christian chapel in New Jersey with a sodomite ceremony endorsing sin. (And then claims nobody is offended when Christian chapels are desecrated by acts of sodomy.)

This “wedding” in New Jersey is President Obama’s latest assault on military Christians, after homosexual ceremonies have already desecrated chapels in Florida and Lousiana [sic].