Klingenschmitt: Justice Kennedy’s DOMA Decision Is ‘Blasphemy’

“Dr. Chaps” Gordon Klingenschmitt is predictably dismayed by the Supreme Court decision, written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, striking down a key section of the Defense of Marriage Act, declaring that in striking down the legislation, the Court majority has ruled that Christians are evil.

Asserting that Jesus was inside the hearts of those in Congress who passed DOMA (and the Holy Spirit was inside President Bill Clinton when he signed it,) Klingenschmitt said that with this ruling, Kennedy looked into the hearts of those responsible for this law and declared that they had “an evil motive.” 

“He’s looking at Jesus in us and calling him evil,” Klingenschmitt fumed. “He’s looking at the Holy Spirit in us and calling it a demon.  Justice Kennedy, you are full of blasphemy”: