Klingenschmitt: Gays Need Conversion Therapy To ‘Get The Devil Out’

The Supreme Court recently rejected legal challenges to California and New Jersey laws banning the use of “ex-gay” conversion therapy on minors and Gordon Klingenschmitt is not pleased because now gay people will be unable to free themselves from the demons that control them.

As he explained on his “Pray In Jesus Name” program recently, “there is a demonic spirit … inside of the addict that is controlling the voluntary choices, or at least has contracted with them and is manifesting through them in this sinful addiction. And what is the only way to treat that? It’s to get the Devil out and to get the Holy Spirit in.”

In rejecting efforts to overturn bans on conversion therapy, Klingenschmitt said, judges are “cooperating with the demonic spirit inside of the homosexual addict and those judges are now reinforcing the sin and saying you cannot be delivered, you cannot cured, you cannot be healed”: