Klayman: Obama a ‘Hitler-Like Figure’ Who Is ‘Even More of a Dangerous Tyrant than King George III’

Larry Klayman is angry at President Obama for dismissing the “phony scandals” that are distracting attention away from meaningful policy debates, charging that Obama “is not merely a disgrace, but a dangerous man whose allegiance to Islam, disdain of Jews and Christians, and favoritism toward all things black have cast him into the role of a very cheap, bigoted and hateful man.”

He warns that Obama is a “Muslim through and through” and “a Hitler-like figure, finding scapegoats such as whites, Christians and Jews to use to rally the shock troops for his black-Muslim crusade.”

Indeed, “Obama is even more of a dangerous tyrant than King George III,” Klayman argues, since at least King George III wasn’t “a racist Muslim socialist” who sought to “reduce the United States to the equivalent of a socialist, African-Muslim nation.”

“Remove him from office,” the totally-not-dramatic Klayman writes, “before all is lost.”

Plain and simple, Obama is the most despicable, criminally minded fraud to have ever occupied the Oval Office. He is not merely a disgrace, but a dangerous man whose allegiance to Islam, disdain of Jews and Christians, and favoritism toward all things black have cast him into the role of a very cheap, bigoted and hateful man. In contrast, Obama makes the felonious former President Bill Clinton look like a Boy Scout.

Second, coming on the heels of the Trayvon statement, this week also brought yet another indication that Obama is a Muslim through and through, which not coincidentally was the “faith” of his revered Kenyan father. Trying to resurrect his “brothers” of the Muslim Brotherhood who were just ousted from power by the Egyptian military, Obama suspended military aid to this largest of Middle Eastern nations, obviously to send a signal to this granddaddy of Islamic terrorist groups that he supported its return to power. A return of the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt would be a blow to the Jewish state of Israel, not coincidentally also the birthplace of Jesus Christ and the rest of the Western world.

The primary aspect these two events have in common is that they show that Obama has a clear mindset to further what he perceives to be the interests of “his” people, meaning blacks and Muslims, at the expense of everyone else. He is thus a Hitler-like figure, finding scapegoats such as whites, Christians and Jews to use to rally the shock troops for his black-Muslim crusade. These words may sound harsh, but not in the context of the “fraudster in chief’s” actions during his first five years in office. Coupled with his words, the nation is on its way to destruction unless this dangerous man is legally stopped in his slimy, prejudiced and hateful tracks.

And, this is why I have said on many occasions that Obama is even more of a dangerous tyrant than King George III. The king may have wanted to rape the colonies of their wealth and exert his monarchical control over their populace, but he was never a racist Muslim socialist bent on remaking our Judeo-Christian culture and roots and furthering an agenda that seeks to destroy our Anglo-American heritage. It is now clear that Obama will use whatever means are at his disposal to reduce the United States to the equivalent of a socialist, African-Muslim nation.

Time is short before this man succeeds at this mission. And, that is why the so-called phony scandals to which he refers must be used as a means to remove him from office, before all is lost.

I am doing my part through lawsuits and a citizens’ grand jury in Ocala, Fla. But now is the time for others to also seriously step up to the plate, in what has become a “life and death” struggle for the heart and soul of the nation. We have seen the eyes of the enemy, and they are clearly focused on the destruction of the inspired vision of our Founding Fathers and our way of life as one nation under a Judeo-Christian God.