Jerry Boykin: Police Can’t Go Into Dearborn, Michigan, Because Of Muslim Population

Jerry Boykin, a former Army general who prior to serving as the Family Research Council’s executive vice president was reprimanded by President Bush for making anti-Muslim statements, appeared on “Washington Watch” yesterday to discuss the Charlie Hebdo attack.

After host Tony Perkins warned that Muslim-Americans are “not assimilating into the broader American culture” and instead seek to establish “closed communities” in states like Minnesota and Michigan, Boykin insisted that it has gotten so bad that the police now refuse to go into Dearborn, Michigan, except for in cases of emergency.

“Talk to the police in Dearborn, talk to the police in Detroit, and ask them how often they go into Dearborn and the reality is it’s more on an emergency basis than it is for any kind of routine police activities there,” Boykin said. “We have the same problem here, by not assimilating these people, we are creating the same kind of situation that France and Britain and much of Europe has.”

Dearborn has been the focus of many rightwing conspiracy theories which typically center around the myth that the city is ruled according to Sharia law. Boykin once said that Dearborn could be easily confused with Damascus.

Dearborn, of course, is not under Sharia law, as the city’s mayor politely explained to Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle when she made that claim in 2010.

Boykin has previously called on the government to ban mosques and strip Muslim-Americans of their First Amendment rights. At the same time, he works closely with groups seeking to introduce biblical law.