Hey Ladies, Do You Get Emotional During Your Period? Take Solace In Knowing It’s Just A ‘God-Given Sadness’

Last year, Glenn Beck totally freaked out over the release of the video for Nicki Minaj’s song “Only,” which he bizarrely claimed was a violation of the biblical command to keep kosher because it was mixing “graphic, awful sex with the images of death.”

It turns out that this idea was something he had learned directly from his favorite right-wing rabbi, Daniel Lapin, who appeared on his radio program this morning to further expand upon this theory and enlighten Beck’s audience to the fact that women get emotional during menstruation because they are sad about the loss of potential life.

After Beck brought up his concerns about society’s tendency to mix images of sex with images of death, Lapin explained that this was exactly why God prohibited anyone from touching a woman for seven days during her monthly period in Leviticus 15, since sex represents life while a menstrual period represents death.

As Lapin put it, “the good Lord created men with an infinite capacity to produce seed at almost any age whereas he chose to create women with an absolute finite limited number of eggs. And so the loss of an egg every month, for any sensitive woman, is sad because it’s one less opportunity for life. And so foolish and insensitive people say, ‘Oh, it’s just a hormonal imbalance,’ it isn’t; it’s a genuine, authentic sadness which suffuses any sensitive woman at the loss of an egg.”

Beck, of course, was blown away by this revelation.

“Wow, I’ve never thought of it that way,” he said. “It is actually a God-given sadness.”