Harry Jackson: “The Modern Day Martin Luther King”

In recent months, we’ve noticed that many of the political activists in the leadership of the Religious Right have started merging their movement with the self-proclaimed “prophetic” voices like Lou Engle.

Over the weekend, this trend continued as Harry Jackson spoke at Generals International’s “Convergence 2010: A Cry to Awaken A Nation” conference in Dallas, Texas.  Generals International is run by Cindy Jacob who describes her specialty as “prophetic intercession” and claims to be highly sought after by those seeking “prophetic advice.”

It was Jacob was introduced Jackson by calling him “the modern day Martin Luther King,” which was a comparison Jackson also played up during his lengthy speech, comparing the opposition to his efforts to stop marriage equality in Washington, DC to the opposition faced by King before proclaiming that, twenty years from now, some of the movements “great apostles and prophets are going to be people who came out of the gay lifestyle,” starting with the lesbians and then by “radical homosexuals” who have been “smitten down on their road to Damascus” and raised up by God.  Finally, Jackson led the gathering in prayer, setting free those held captive by “demonic authority” and speaking in tongues: