Hagelin: Gay Rights Advocates Like Schoolyard Bullies

Rebecca Hagelin, James Dobson’s co-host on Family Talk, has proclaimed that the “culture challenge of the week” is to stop “intimidation and homosexual marriage.” Hagelin wrote in the Washington Times Sunday, “It has long been the goal of homosexual activists and the Hollywood elite to destroy the timeless truths of marriage, of family and of purity.” She adds that gay rights advocates are acting “like the bully on the playground” by using the media and schools to “ridicule” their opponents. Hagelin writes:

Our present culture is steeped in moral relativism and a devaluation of the sexual intimacy that was designed to be reserved for marriage, thanks to a media culture that has been controlled largely by five large conglomerates.

They have designed and scripted virtually everything we have seen, listened to on the radio, watched on television and in the movies, and read over the past several decades. Their influence is so complete that one can scarcely go through a day without having sex of every kind brought into our homes through seemingly innocent comedy shows, commercials, textbooks, music and even children’s fiction.

It has long been the goal of homosexual activists and the Hollywood elite to destroy the timeless truths of marriage, of family and of purity. Because their voices are everywhere, their ubiquitous doctrine has become mistaken for public consensus.

Like the bully on the playground and his minions, this small gang of activists and power- mongers has caused the masses to lose their public voice in defending what they know is right.

By subjecting national leaders who dare to speak up about protecting marriage to constant media ridicule and by calling them “bigots” and “homophobes,” they have caused many other Americans who believe in marriage – who are unsettled in their stomachs about redefining the timeless institution – to simply shrug their shoulders and fall silent.