Hagee: DOMA Ruling A Sign That ‘The Rapture Of The Church Is About To Occur’

On a recent installment of the weekly “Hagee Hotline,” Matthew Hagee responded to a question from a viewer wondering if the Rapture is about to occur by declaring that indeed it is.

Citing the statement from Jesus in Luke 17: 22-30 that “just as it was in the days of Noah [and] Lot … so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed,” Hagee explained that today all of the same things are taking place as occurred during the days of Noah, such as men being wicked and atheistic, and during the days of Lot when “men had given up the natural affections for women and were lying with other men.”

Hagee then pointed specifically to the Supreme Court’s recent DOMA decision, saying “that’s something that would have been applauded in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.  So when you see these things similar to the days of Noah and similar to the days of Lot, it’s very easy to know that the rapture of the church is about to occur”: