Fischer: The Left Hates Women

On Monday, Bryan Fischer came to the defense of Rush Limbaugh, saying he was “lexically accurate” to call Georgetown student Sandra Fluke a “slut” on his radio program and that Limbaugh’s apology was proof that we are now living under “secular Sharia.”

Fischer returned to the topic on his radio program again today, during a segment in which proclaimed that all the misogyny, hatred, and vulgar attacks on women almost always comes from the Left because the Right respects women and treats them with dignity.  In fact, explained Fischer, there is really no difference between the Left and Islamic Radicals, who see women as “something less than human.” 

Then, after proclaiming that the Right always treats women respectfully, he then proceeded to again attack Fluke as a someone who is “sleeping with so many guys she can’t keep track [and] doing it three times a day” while wondering if President Obama would be proud if his daughters turned out like that: