Cahn: America Should Prepare For God’s Judgment For Gay Marriage In September

Jonathan Cahn released a video today warning viewers to prepare for God’s judgment for the nation’s growing “apostasy” to fall upon America in September in the form of economic collapse, natural disaster, or a terrorist attack.

Or maybe not … as Cahn was careful to hedge his bets by also asserting that possibly nothing at all will happen because God “is sovereign and He doesn’t have to work according to our schedule or understanding.” But even if nothing happens, Cahn said, America still deserves God’s judgment because of things like the legalization of gay marriage.

“I believe a great shaking is coming to America and the world,” he said. “We have watched the apostasy of America continue, it has continued and it accelerating. The harbingers have not stopped, they have continued to manifest, which are indications of a nation progressing to judgment.”

“How does judgment come?” Cahn continued. “It can come in the form of collapse economically, financially, the nation’s blessing, sustenance being removed. It can also come in the form of natural disaster, earthquakes, famines, other things, many ways in the natural realm. It can also come in the form of man-made disaster, as in terrorism, war, as in 9/11.”

And America is ripe for such judgment because of the recent Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage nationwide, he said.

“This summer, America crossed the line,” he warned. “This was a tectonic event, a seismic change with ramifications not just about marriage but about the future of the culture, of society, of religious freedom, of persecution and, I believe, judgment.”