Bryan Fischer Is Outraged That Target Allowed A Man Into A ‘Family Dressing Room’ Area

The American Family Association has been leading the fight against Target’s policy of allowing transgender customers and employees to use the bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity, and Bryan Fischer has been doing his part on his daily radio program to whip up opposition to the policy in increasingly absurd ways.

On his radio program yesterday, Fischer read an email sent to the AFA-affiliated organization One Million Moms from a woman who was outraged to discover a man in the dressing room area with her daughter on a recent trip to Target.

According to this email, as read by Fischer, this woman and her teenage daughter visited a local Target store last week and her daughter went into the dressing room to try on some clothes. When the mother went to check on her, she heard a man’s voice coming from the dressing room area, so she rushed in to find that the man “was in the same dressing area but not the same stall” as her daughter.

She immediately went to Target management to complain, Fischer said, “but the supervisor just pointed her to a sign that says ‘Family Dressing Room.'”

“So she got no satisfaction, no help,” an outraged Fischer complained, apparently unaware of how Family Dressing Rooms operate!