Boykin: “Everywhere I Go” People Ask “When Do We Take Up Arms” Against Obama

Last week, Glenn Beck invited Jerry Boykin onto his program to give his “expert” opinion on the uprising in Egypt and he is also listed among the invited speakers to the next Values Voter Summit:

So now might be a good time to repost this video he produced for Rick Joyner’s Morningstar Ministries in which explained that President Obama is a Marxist who intends to create an army of Brownshirts loyal only to him though Health Care Reform legislation:

When he is not speaking to Beck or hobnobbing with Republican leaders at the Values Voter Summit, Boykin is working hand-in-hand with Joyner, preaching at this services, and sitting on the board of his Oak Initiative along with the likes of Janet Porter, Lou Sheldon, and Cindy Jacobs.

Joyner is a self-described prophet who is worried that President Obama might just be a treasonous Muslim and who roots his activism in dreams and visions about the imminent destruction of America:

For his part, Boykin delivers sermons to Joyner’s follower with titles like “The Church Must Rise Up” in which he reports that everywhere he goes, people come up and ask him “when do we take up arms” against the Obama administration, which Boykin opposes because we are really involved in a spiritual battle: