Ben Carson Unveils Grand Compromise On Marriage: Gay People Can’t Get Married

Conservative activist Ben Carson told Newsmax TV host Ed Berliner today that “of course” he can broker a compromise on contentious social issues like marriage equality. Carson’s proposed compromise on marriage? Gay people can do what they want…but they can’t get married.

Arguing (wrongly) that the legal definition of marriage has never changed in America or in thousands of years of world history, Carson said that the idea of same-sex marriage is just as absurd as insisting that “2+2=5.”

In return for not being allowed to get married, Carson explained, gay people “can do what they want to do,” but also shouldn’t accuse people of bigotry. 

Carson offered his grand compromise as an example of the kind of solution included in his new book, “One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future.”

He previously suggested that abortion rights foes should run as pro-choice candidates in order to win elections.