Beck: Anti-Obama Rodeo Clown Is ‘A Very Brave Artist’ And Victim Of McCarthyism

Last night, Glenn Beck’s opening monologue was another one of his “history lessons” that was so genuinely nonsensical and incoherent that we literally cannot even figure out a way of editing the video so that it makes any sense. 

Basically, Beck expanded upon his belief that the controversy over the Missouri rodeo clown is a sign that progressives are freaking out because they know that their efforts to implement revolution are falling apart, as just as the progressives during the Woodrow Wilson-era, and during the New Deal, and during the Vietnam War, all likewise failed to successfully implement their own revolutions.

Then, citing recent comments made by Bono and Ashton Kutcher, Beck linked it all to Martin Luther King and John Lennon and the Beatles’ song “Revolution” as he declared that it all somehow proves that the 9/12 and Tea Party Patriots are on the verge of achieving victory.

Like we said, none of it made any sense right from the start, like when Beck said that the fall-out from the rodeo clown performance is modern day McCarthyism and no different than book burning, because this particular rode clown was really “a very brave artist” … which can only be properly explained by the game of Kerplunk:

Tags: Glenn Beck