Barton Blames Disney Movies for Making Us Believe Animals Feel and Think

Rabbi Daniel Lapin was the guest on today’s edition of “WallBuilders Live,” which was dedicated primarily to dismissing the concept of animal rights.

As usual, David Barton and Rick Green kicked off the discussion, with Barton blaming Disney movies for making us wrongly believe that animals think and feel:

Barton: I love Disney, I’ve got all of the collections of Disney, but Disney’s the first one to make animals seem human, and that’s what animation does. Bambi seems human, “Lady and the Tramp,” a nice romantic dinner for dogs over at an Italian restaurant—I don’t think so—”Beauty and the Beast.” And I love these stories but what they do is they elevate animals to mankind’s status …

Green: Yeah, it start’s making you think that they feel and they think …

Barton: And they don’t.

Later in the program, Lapin sought to explain the rise of animal rights issues by asserting that the movement is rooted in the loss of Judge-Christian morality which leads to the belief that homosexuality is okay “because we’re nothing other than baboons with a little less hair”:

Lapin: Over the last fifty years, little by little America has obliterated the role of the Judeo-Christian biblical worldview as a fundamental guide to morality and ethics. What happens is the uncertainty stimulates philosophical experimentation. Animal rights is particularly attractive because frankly there is something very appealing about establishing the doctrine that you and I are nothing more than sophisticated baboons. Because what it does is it strips away the uncomfortable conscience that bothers us at odd moments, it completely exculpates any concerns we have about morality because once we are nothing but sophisticated baboons then our entire moral system becomes extremely simple. So for instance the fact that baboons practice homosexuality obviously legitimatizes it for human beings too because we’re nothing other than baboons with a little less hair.