Barber: Those Writing About Dominionism “No Different Than 9/11-truthers [and] Holocaust-Deniers”

It seems that Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber is none-too-pleased with the coverage that dominionism and its influence and role within the Religious Right movement has been receiving in the media and on blogs like Right Wing Watch and so he has dedicated his more recent column to attacking and mocking those -including me, by name – who have been writing about it:

There has been great gnashing of teeth in “progressive” circles of late over “Christian Dominionist Theology.”

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has warned that much of the Republican presidential field embraces this startling, seditious sect of extreme fundamentalism. She’s breathlessly warned that Christian Dominionists “believe they have a direct line to God” and intend to “clear the way for the [end of the world]…by infiltrating and taking over government.”

The Daily Beast/Newsweek chimes the tocsin with a hard-hitting, brilliantly penned – though deeply disturbing to all who love freedom – investigative piece headlined: “A Christian Plot for Domination?”

Author Michelle Goldberg warns that Mrs. Bachmann and Mr. Perry are deeply entrenched in a “little-known movement of radical Christians” who are preparing “an army of God” to “commandeer civilian government.”

But it gets worse. It’s much bigger than all that.

Kyle Mantyla with the atheist group “People for the American Way” has been warning for months now that this organized craze of underground Christians plan “to take dominion over, literally, seven specific facets of modern life in order to wrest control away from Satan and his demonic spirits so that Christians can put them to use in bringing about God’s kingdom on Earth.”

Now, you may laugh. You may think these anti-Christian “Dominioners” like Maddow, Goldberg and Mantyla – these fearless progressives risking all to sound the alarm on the rising threat of Christian Dominionism – are just a bunch of liberal, tinfoil hat-wearing kooks.

You might believe they’re merely a left-wing gaggle of tattooed, body-pierced pot-brownie pies in pajamas, no different than 9/11-truthers, global-warmers or Holocaust-deniers.

Oh, you may suppose these liberal Dominioners – daring beyond measure – are simply a batty band of anti-Christian bigots and Daily-Kos-, MSNBC-types looking to smear Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and other GOP presidential hopefuls as a bunch of clandestine theocrats bent on Christian world domination.

Barber goes on to facetiously reveal that there really is a secret plan to take control of “the Seven Mountains of Influence,” as well as as well as the “6 Pyramids of Supremacy” and the “32 Molehills of Utter Despotism.”

Of course, as we have said before, we are not the ones writing books and holding conferences about gaining dominion through taking control of the Seven Mountains … people like Peter Wagner are:

In the 2000s, he began to move strongly in promoting the Dominion Mandate for social transformation, adopting the template of the Seven Mountains or the 7-M Mandate for practical implementation.

We have been writing about how Wagner and his New Apostolic Reformation have been working their way into the “mainstream” Religious Right as demonstrated by the fact that people like Lou Engle, Cindy Jacobs and Rick Joyner have all been speakers at “The Awakening” conferences organized by Liberty Counsel and held at Liberty University. 

So considering that that Barber works for both of those organizations and spoke at the events personally, you would think that he might be aware of that. 

But then again, this is the same man who continues to insist that there is no such thing as dominionism despite the fact that his employer just last year sponsored the “2010 Sovereignty and Dominion conference – Biblical Blueprints for Victory!”:

The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:28 that God created us to multiply, fill the earth, and take dominion of His creation for His Glory. When Jesus came to earth, He gave his disciples the Great Commission and told them to make disciples of all nations, Baptize them, and teach them to obey all that he had commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). These two mandates form the basis for why Christ’s Church exists on this planet. Every square inch of this world belongs to King Jesus. It is our privilege to serve Him by exercising servanthood dominion in every area of life.

You know, it takes a special sort of ignorant dishonesty to work for an organization that directly sponsors a dominionism conference organized by a bona fide Christian Reconstruction group that advocates the death penalty for homosexuality and then, when people start to point that out, respond by attacking your opponents as a bunch of kooks and comparing them to Holocaust-deniers.