Bachmann: Obama And Kerry Are ‘Calling For Actual War And Economic War Against Israel’

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) continues to impress with her incredible ability to make egregiously false statements, this time arguing that Secretary of State John Kerry is supporting war against Israel. Kerry recently suggested that if Mideast peace talks collapse, Israel could face increasing economic boycotts or possibly a third Palestinian uprising. Kerry wasn’t advocating such actions but simply said that such events could occur if negotiations fail.

Israel’s own Justice Minister said that Kerry’s statement “does not constitute a threat to the State of Israel, but rather defines reality as it is,” and its finance minister offered a similar warning of growing boycotts if the peace process falters.

But in an interview with Family Research Council head Tony Perkins on Washington Watch on Friday, Bachmann argued that Kerry was actually calling for boycotts and violence against Israel.

“President Obama and John Kerry have preferred Iran” over Israel, Bachmann told Perkins. “At the same time while the United States is giving a free pass to Iran, our Secretary of State is rattling a saber and effectively calling for an economic war against our greatest ally Israel. It doesn’t make any sense.”

“They can’t have it both ways, they can’t say that they are pro-Israel and stand with Israel while calling for actual war and economic war against Israel, or at least suggesting it as such.”