Anti-Gay Pastor Pledges New Civil War To Fight Marriage Equality, Resurrect The Confederacy

Harlem’s notorious “stone homos” pastor James David Manning will be spending the 4th of July in Gettysburg with Stewart Rhodes, founder of the right-wing Oath Keepers group.

Naturally, Manning drew on the Civil War theme during his radio ministry on Tuesday, boasting that a group of armed neo-Confederate soldiers will launch a new Civil War in response to the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision.

“Surely the Confederates and the South will win this time,” Manning said. “You are not going to push this sodomy.”

Manning, who said that he will join these fighters, reported that the neo-Confederates will storm the Supreme Court and the White House, proudly flying the Stars and Bars over the Capitol.

“Now the nation must be rescued from the liberal God-haters and Constitution-haters and those that are pushing this sodomy agenda,” he continued. “America will be rescued and the rescuers will be the Confederates, the Southerners, those that have been the blood-washed, Bible-believing, locked-and-loaded. I’m James David Manning and I want to be one of them. I’m the Lord’s servant. ”