Anti-Gay Baker Claims He Is Really Battling Satan, Nazism

After “Trunews” host Rick Wiles ranted on his show last week about President Obama’s plans to “slaughter millions” of Americans, he spoke to Aaron Klein, the Oregon baker who violated the state’s nondiscrimination laws when the bakery he owns with his wife refused service to a lesbian couple.

“This is the gaystapo,” Wiles said, “this is just like the Nazi homosexuals in the 1930s. It was a militant homosexual network that took over Germany, that’s what this is, and they are going to silence all opposition if people do not stand up and put a stop to this stuff.”

Klein warned that churches may soon be forced to fly the rainbow pride flag, which Wiles said is just what the Nazis did in forcing German churches to embrace the swastika: “There is no difference: rainbow flag, Nazi swastika, it’s the same thing. It’s the same spirit behind it.”

While he agreed with Wiles’s sinister outlook and alleged that gay people are trying to coerce him to join them in their sins, Klein felt encourage by the response from others to his ordeal. “This could be a turning point,” he said. “Satan may have overplayed his hand and we might have a chance for revival in this country.”

Wiles also suggested that the “freaks” behind the nondiscrimination law will incite divine wrath: “How close is the Oregon state capital to an earthquake fault?”

“People who live on a subduction zone should not defy the living God,” Wiles said. “Let’s be real blunt about it: If you live on a fault line or a volcano, you really shouldn’t be shaking your fist at the God who made the planet. That’s really dumb.”

Klein agreed, stating that people should not “challenge God,” before accusing the state of operating like “Marxist Russia” when it fined him in the discrimination case.

“That’s what this country is heading towards,” he added. “It’s what Hitler said, he said if you want to truly, truly rule a people, take away their freedoms one at a time, almost imperceptibly. By the time they realized what has happened, it will be too late — and that’s what we’re watching happen in this country.”