• June 10, 2010 5:33 pm

    Previewing the Right Wing Playbook on the Kagan Confirmation Hearings

    …Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” or the distribution of the “Federalist Papers.” Others, including Rush Limbaugh, have repeated the same false claims. These false attacks ignore basic facts: The issue in…

  • June 18, 2009 5:10 pm

    Free Speech, Irresponsible Speech, and the Climate of Intolerance in 2009

    …“Where’s the Birth Certificate.” Rush Limbaugh recently joined those falsely claiming that Obama does not have a birth certificate. President Obama as anti-American Sen. James Inhofe recently called President Obama’s…

  • November 5, 2009 4:57 pm

    The Right Plays the Race Card

    …police had acted “stupidly” (a comment for which he quickly apologized), Rush Limbaugh declared that Obama was “fanning the flames of race” as “a black president trying to destroy a…

  • July 28, 2009 5:25 pm

    Themes from the Right — Nomination Day

    …Wright called this statement “her announced bias for certain people.” Focus on the Family said that she “disregards the notion of judicial impartiality.” Rush Limbaugh said she is a “racist”…

  • February 27, 2013 3:05 pm

    The Lobby Against Common Sense: The Right’s Campaign Against Gun Violence Reform and How We Can Defeat It

    …ban guns. Right-wing columnist Erik Rush says he suspects that “the Obama administration or one of its surrogates “is responsible for the recent murder of a Keith Ratcliffe, a gun…

  • September 1, 2006 11:31 am

    David Barton: Propaganda Masquerading as History

    …in biblical principles.” But to do so, he relies on the writings of obscure figures such as Francis Hopkins and Benjamin Rush while ignoring or disputing the conventionally accepted history…

  • February 1, 2016 9:31 am

    The Anti-Immigrant Lobby: The White Nationalist Roots of the Organizations Fighting Immigration

    …to immigrants.” This assertion was repeated over and over again in the right-wing media, including on Rush Limbaugh’s radio program. Sen. Jeff Sessions, a leading anti-immigration voice in Congress, cited…

  • April 18, 2011 5:56 pm

    Barton’s Bunk: Religious Right ‘Historian’ Hits the Big Time in Tea Party America

    …to his presentations.) One of the most damning fact-checks concerns a letter from John Adams to Benjamin Rush from 1809. Barton cites a long section of the letter in which…

  • February 2, 2014 2:33 pm

    Globalizing Homophobia: How the American Right Supports and Defends Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown

    …“one of the proudest achievements of my career.” Radio host Rush Limbaugh praised Putin for “putting [his] foot down” against gay peoples’ “full-frontal assault on what has always been considered…

  • August 19, 2013 9:21 am

    Congressional Republicans’ Clear Choice on Immigration: Stand With Pro-Reform Majorities or Cave to Anti-Immigrant Extremists

    …of ‘reaching out’ to the Hispanic community, effective ‘messaging’ or Reagan’s ‘optimism’ is going to turn Mexico’s underclass into Republicans. Ann Coulter Rush Limbaugh gave Rubio a polite hearing, but…

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