WorldNetDaily Pundit Thinks Americans Must Dislike America Because They Didn’t Elect Sarah Palin

Clearly, most Americans must lack an “American Spirit,” explains one WorldNetDaily columnist, because how else would one explain why voters didn’t back Sarah Palin in 2008 and still mostly view her unfavorably?

Selena Owens of WND writes​ today that unlike President Obama, Sarah Palin “embodies” the American spirit and “belongs to We the People and has absolutely nothing to do with political pandering.”

“The American spirit is embodied in national political figures such as Sarah Palin,” Owens gushes, warning that if Republicans don’t embrace Palin’s call to impeach President Obama, then “we forfeit America.”

I’m wondering where the American spirit is these days, because I’m encountering conversations and commentary pushing the notion that Sarah Palin, a prominent conservative politician and noted tea party champion of We the People, should concede and hush her mouths for the sake of Republicanism.

Specifically, I’m speaking of the former governor’s choice to proudly display some American spirit and tell Congress to impeach Barack Obama.

Yes, I am on the Palin bandwagon in this issue. Our country is at stake.

Sarah Palin is calling for Obama’s impeachment, citing the immigration crisis as “the last straw that makes the battered wife say ‘no mas.’” Barack Obama has proven time and again that he couldn’t care less about American principles, laws, or citizens. Impeachment has been the rally cry of conservatives for a few years, even from prominent leaders like Allen West and other congressmen. Barack Obama needs to go – or we forfeit America.

Sarah Palin is a prominent political figure who belongs to We the People and has absolutely nothing to do with political pandering. She makes waves and people take notice – especially Republicans who want to just go along to get along and try to ensure that their party’s image is not tarnished and that they can “safely” ensure votes by not allowing anyone to disturb their plans. So they want Palin to shut up and not rock the boat. Specifically, House Speaker John “I disagree” Boehner.

You would think the GOP would know better to expect anything less than a challenging confrontation and bold patriotism from the gutsy governor. Apparently, they don’t.

Obviously, the American spirit is nowhere in this current administration. Think Obamacare. Benghazi. IRS scandal. NSA spying. Immigration. Open borders. Gun control.

The American spirit is embodied in national political figures such as Sarah Palin – and others – who fight for the American people. The American spirit is embodied in local tea party leaders in Mississippi and Connecticut and Tennessee and anyone else who champions adherence to the two most fantastic documents revered worldwide: The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.