WorldNetDaily Columnist Claims The Internet Is ‘Persecuting’ Conservatives

Yesterday, a WorldNetDaily pundit predicted that President Obama will soon order the military to arrest conservatives, but according to another WND writer, the “persecution has already begun“…on the Internet.

Columnist Phil Elmore is upset at criticism directed towards Kendall Jones, a Texas teenager whose Facebook account was terminated after she posted photos of animals she killed on a safari. A Facebook spokesman said the company removes “reported content that promotes poaching of endangered species, the sale of animals for organized fight or content that includes extreme acts of animal abuse” and noted that the website has rules prohibiting “graphic images.”

But according to Elmore, the incident proves that conservatives are becoming “second-class citizens” in cyberspace. He writes that liberals “persecute” others by making inflammatory comments about conservatives and even alleges that liberals used the Internet to try “to burn down Hobby Lobby.”

“We see it in the comments portions of countless websites online, where conservatives are shouted down for their dissent. Where do we witness these acts of bigotry? Online. Where does liberal hate of conservatives propagate? Online.”

While complaining that he is being persecuted by an “online culture of liberal hate,” he insists liberals are mentally and emotionally “weak” because they complain too often and have “hysterical overreactions.”

Like those motion-sensor toy dogs that bark when you walk past a toy aisle, every liberal on the Internet simply starts bleating, “Raaaaacist! Raaaaacist! Sexist! Raaaaaacist!” whenever a conservative draws near. The libs don’t even hear themselves talk anymore. They merely speak, hurling unfounded accusations into the ether, trusting complicit entertainment media and Internet gossip sites to carry their water. Just as certain animal-rights activists once proclaimed that a pig was a boy was a dog was a roach, or however it went, to the lefties, every conservative is a racist is a misogynist is a rapist.

To the liberals, “racism” is any expression of opinion with which they disagree. “Misogyny” is any criticism of any opinion held or expressed by a woman (or by men hating themselves on behalf of women). “Rape” is any action that makes a woman uncomfortable for any reason, from any distance, in any context. Liberals have, in fact, managed to render almost every crime imaginable completely meaningless by commingling real acts of violence and bigotry with the benign behavior they wish to redefine as social offense.

Never was this more obvious than in the case of Facebook’s treatment of Kendall Jones, a pretty blond Texas cheerleader who posted to the social media site her pictures of a sport-hunting trip to Africa. The pictures went viral, sparking outrage among hate-filled liberals, who have threatened the young woman with death and called her every vile name on the planet. The outrage traveled, as it always does, online, through various boards and social media venues. It was on Twitter that one porn star used profanity to refer to Ms. Jones, calling her “disgusting.” She was, as progressives always are, greeted with a chorus of assent.

On Facebook, even though her photos do not violate the site’s terms of service, the harassment Ms. Jones has endured culminated in the removal of one or more of her pictures. Her only crime was doing something with which liberals disagree – something that is legal and arguably far less offensive than, say, the plaintive pictures of mutilated animals passed around Facebook in the name of “animal rights.”

Search Twitter and Facebook and look at the comments yourself. Yes, these sites are all private property, and their owners are free to impose whatever unfair policies and practices they choose. But if we permit this online culture of liberal hate to spread without calling to account those perpetrating it, we participate in unmaking Internet freedom. We help promote a cultural double standard against which no conservative ever gets treated fairly or objectively.

We saw it when liberals said they wanted to burn down Hobby Lobby because the Supreme Court actually held narrowly in favor of religious freedom (in the context of socialized medicine’s abortion-pill mandate). We saw it when Costco pulled copies of Dinesh D’Souza’s conservative- and liberty-themed book, “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” from shelves – with little, then lame explanation and despite strong sales. We see it in the comments portions of countless websites online, where conservatives are shouted down for their dissent. Where do we witness these acts of bigotry? Online. Where does liberal hate of conservatives propagate? Online.

Liberals are weak. They are mentally weak in that they cannot articulate their political positions without lies and deceit. They are emotionally weak in that they are fragile, easily offended and in need of “trigger warnings” for those opinions they simply cannot abide. They are intolerant and hysterical in their overreactions to even the slightest misperceived affront. But never forget that even weaklings can be very dangerous in large numbers. This is the means through which liberals accomplish their intimidation of all those who do not share their opinions: they use the power of the mob, in the form of popular culture or as embodied by our co-opted Democrat government.

Liberals want to make the Internet a Democrat-friendly utopia in which conservatives and libertarians are second-class citizens. If we allow their double standard to take root, they will marginalize us and persecute us. But that persecution has already begun. It happens every day online.

It’s only going to get worse.