WND: Obama Paving The Way For A New Holocaust

George Mason University professor Walter Williams suggests in a WorldNetDaily column today that President Obama may soon introduce a new holocaust.

In his column “Concentration of Power: Hitler, Mao, Obama,” Williams cites the IRS and Affordable Care Act as evidence that Obama is growing the size of government in order to bring about mass killings.

“Engineering Evil” is a documentary recently shown on the Military History channel. It’s a story of Nazi Germany’s murder campaign before and during World War II. According to some estimates, 16 million Jews and other people died at the hands of Nazis.

Though the Holocaust ranks high among the great human tragedies, most people never consider the most important question: How did Adolf Hitler and the Nazis gain the power they needed to commit such horror? Focusing solely on the evil of the Holocaust won’t get us very far toward the goal of the Jewish slogan “Never Again.”

We might ask why the 20th century was so barbaric. Surely, there were barbarians during earlier ages. Part of the answer is that during earlier times, there wasn’t the kind of concentration of power that emerged during the 20th century. Had Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong and Hitler been around in earlier times, they could not have engineered the slaughter of tens of millions of people. They wouldn’t have had the authority. There was considerable dispersion of jealously guarded political power in the forms of heads of provincial governments and principalities and nobility and church leaders whose political power within their spheres was often just as strong as the monarch’s.

Professor Rummel explained in the very first sentence of “Death by Government” that “Power kills; absolute power kills absolutely. … The more power a government has, the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects.” That’s the long, tragic, ugly story of government: the elite’s use of government to dupe and forcibly impose its will on the masses. The masses are always duped by well-intentioned phrases. After all, what German could have been against “A Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich”? It’s not just Germans who have fallen prey to well-intentioned phrases. After all, who can be against the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”?

We Americans ought to keep the fact in mind that Hitler, Stalin and Mao would have had more success in their reign of terror if they had the kind of control and information about their citizens that agencies such as the NSA, the IRS and the ATF have about us. You might ask, “What are you saying, Williams?” Just put it this way: No German who died before 1930 would have believed the Holocaust possible.

Another WorldNetDaily commentator, Barry Farber, also claimed today that Democrats are trying to restore Nazi Germany through voter fraud.

“They may represent only a small percentage of Democrats, but that’s all you need for massive rape of the results and reversal of the legitimate public will,” he writes, adding that fears of “election theft” by Democrats “made me feel like a Jew in Warsaw as the triumphant Nazis were beginning to implement the ‘Final Solution’ early in World War II.”

Farber goes on to warn that “one of the most common areas of vote fraud is the Northern resident with a Florida home who votes in both states. I say, if convicted, you lose your Florida house.” In that case, Ann Coulter better watch out.

There’s no such thing as a little bit of murder, but there is such a thing as a little bit of treason. Vote fraud sabotages the mechanics of democracy. This is a serious crime. But almost nobody takes it seriously enough. I call for war!

Kevin “Coach” Collins, former New York Police Department detective, puts out a site – coachisright.com – that adds a lot of color and muscle to the Web.

“You’re assuming a fair and honest election,” (paraphrasing) Coach tells us. “Those who are doing such a brilliant job leading America into a far-left asphalt quagmire have no intention of sitting back and losing the Senate fairly and squarely and then congratulating the Republicans and offering to ‘come together’ for a better America. You can be sure,” Coach’s message continues, they’ll steal, cheat and lie with vicious abandon. We who are on the other side are the ones who will look at each other with horror at around 20 minutes to 11 on Election Night, debating which agency is responsible for setting things right, which bureau will step in and stop this travesty and which publication do we turn to to give the world a “piece of our mind.”

Coach made me feel like a Jew in Warsaw as the triumphant Nazis were beginning to implement the “Final Solution” early in World War II. “Roosevelt will never allow this!” those Jews reassured each other. “The pope will never allow this. The League of Nations will never allow this.” Tell me again who it is you expect to come galloping in to reverse the outcome of a stolen election?

Are all Democrats thieves and cheaters? Is that a valid summation of the American Democrat? Of course not. That would be an ignorant allegation. Let me tell you what’s not so ignorant. They may represent only a small percentage of Democrats, but that’s all you need for massive rape of the results and reversal of the legitimate public will. We on the other side are vacuous, insipid and myopic. Get ready to get swallowed.

I’m not saying I do a good job. All I’m saying is, my job is keeping up with things like Republican plans to thwart election theft. And I’ve heard nothing, read nothing and know nothing about any meaningful Republican response.

There are more Republican governors than there are Democrats. If I were a Republican governor, I’d pick the half-dozen angriest and smartest activists in my party to look for the holes and vulnerabilities in our voting defenses and plug them up immediately. Don’t states still have legislatures? Can we ramrod through laws providing for five-year prison terms for those convicted of vote fraud? One of the most common areas of vote fraud is the Northern resident with a Florida home who votes in both states. I say, if convicted, you lose your Florida house!