WND ‘Expert’ Thinks Obama Is ‘Slipping Mentally’

Yesterday, WorldNetDaily interviewed Andrew G. Hodges, a psychiatrist who claims “that by accessing and interpreting messages from a person’s ‘unconscious super intelligence,’ he can uncover confessions as well as motives for crimes,” about President Obama. Hodges told WND that any time Obama says anything, he means exactly the opposite, which he calls a “denial confession.”

According to Hodges, when Obama says that he won’t hesitate to retaliate against terrorists, that means Obama is in fact hesitant to act; if Obama says he plans to fight ISIS, that means he is “totally submissive to ISIS”; and if Obama says he will make sure refugees are screened for potential terrorists, that means “he ensures that terrorist refugees will be admitted.”

Hodges previously claimed that the president’s subconscious revealed that he stole the 2012 election and plans to implement martial law and mass gun confiscation.

Just another example of the “informative” WND news coverage that Donald Trump so admires.

He notes that Obama, before the Paris attacks on November 13, said, “ISIS is contained.” And he said, “I don’t think they’re gaining strength.”

“Read past the denial. Unconsciously he’s aware ISIS’ strength is growing as they certainly demonstrated with one of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in Europe’s history.”

After the attack, Obama said, “If there’s a good idea out there, then we’re going to do it I don’t think I’ve shown a hesitation to act.”

Actually, Hodges writes, Obama is declaring, “I am hesitant to act.”

Likewise, with Obama’s promise the U.S. “will not relent,” Hodges said, “What his super-intel is saying is that Obama will continue to relent, doing nothing of real consequence, in fact accepting the ISIS attacks as normal.

“Indeed, he has constructed a new normal by failing to protect America, a stance which he has totally rationalized. In fact, he remains totally submissive to ISIS.”

Similar negative circumstances are apparent in his comments about immigrants, Hodges told WND.

“Obama then follows with an immediate plan to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees, mostly Muslims, into the U.S. insisting they are harmless ‘widows and orphans.’ So he grandiosely proclaims, ‘[we will] ensure that a refugee is not admitted that might cause us harm.’ Reading past his denial, we see that he ensures that terrorist refugees will be admitted. Unconsciously he knows some refugees will carry out attacks. His surface promise of ‘the most rigorous [vetting] process conceivable’ is a sham. Intelligence officials admit that we sorely lack adequate screening data.”

He continued, “How do we know when Obama’s denials are the exact opposite of the truth? How can we determine that these statements are secret cover-ups which we can see through?”

He said, “Look at the basic facts. Virtually everyone is hyper-conscious about the threat of ISIS – everyone but Obama. But he remains the emperor with no warrior clothes while only his indoctrinated supporters pretend otherwise. Another denial and projection provides an important clue to his passivity and secret enabling. He said about the recent attacks, ‘The most powerful tool we have is to say we are not afraid.’ His conscious message is ridiculous alluding to the fact he does nothing but talk. Weapons – not words – are the most powerful defense we have now. But reading through his key denial confession, ‘we are not afraid,’ Obama admits he’s secretly terrified of ISIS and can’t take action. Deep down, he’s so frightened he cannot even utter the name ‘Islamic terrorists.’”

And WND reported when Hodges suggested Obama was “slipping mentally.”

“Not madness such as total loss of control mentally, but more and more drastic behavior seen in disturbed traumatized leaders,” Hodges said at the time.

Hodges previously suggested Obama was revealing alarming ideas about martial law and described how the president wants “total gun control,” and also has addressed Obama’s opinions on election fraud and how he’s driven by revenge.