West: “Gay Marriage Is An Oxymoron” And Will End Society

Congressman Allen West (R-FL) joined Phyllis Schlafly at Eagle Forum Collegians to slam marriage equality, saying: “the term ‘gay marriage’ is an oxymoron.” He even tried to link gay marriage with the country’s debt and legal abortion. West, who recently criticized the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell because he believes that gay and lesbian servicemembers “can change [their] behavior,” warned the audience of young conservatives that if gay marriage becomes legal then “it just becomes a matter of time before we don’t have society.”


The term ‘gay marriage’ is an oxymoron. Because marriage is a union and a bond between a man and a woman to do one thing: the furtherance of society by procreation, through creating new life. Have you ever read the book America Alone by Mark Steyn? It’s about demographics. And if we continue with a cycle of debt and punishing our unborn then it just becomes a matter of time before you don’t have society.