Tomorrow, The ‘Second American Revolution’ Begins

Larry Klayman is so confident that his “second American Revolution” will be successful that he has already planned a second Continental Congress to organize a new system of government. Klayman will lead a rally in front of the White House tomorrow, where he predicts that people will “converge on and ‘Occupy Washington’ in the millions” and that they won’t leave the city until President Obama resigns or the military forcibly removes him from office.

Writing in WorldNetDaily, Klayman predicts that “the tyrant evil fool in the White House” will “retire to his favorite golf course in Tehran” after Klayman’s Reclaim America Now putsch. Then the event will move to Philadelphia, where “delegates of the tea party and other patriots from all 50 states will deliberate, plan for the rest of the revolution and elect a government in waiting, ethically and competently poised to take over the reigns [sic] of a real government responsive to the people.”

Klayman, who filed an unsuccessful lawsuit against Rachel Maddow on behalf of radical preacher Bradlee Dean, last week lost a defamation case he brought against the alternative newspaper City Pages.

Take our Reclaim America Coalition, for instance, which is proving to be a big success. For virtually the first time in modern history, we have assembled a host of conservative, libertarian and other public-interest groups and activists to work together for a common goal: to wage a Second American Revolution and peacefully and ultimately remove the tyrant evil fool in the White House, as well as corrupt Republican leaders like Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. This coalition is unique; for years I had been trying to get these groups and activists to work together, but ego and other cynical calculations got in the way. Now that the country is hanging by a thread, in the words of our great Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, we all realize that if we do not all hang together, we will hang separately under the oppressive and dangerous rule of our government leaders, of which Obama is the snake’s head.

Beginning at 10 a.m., Nov. 19, in the park just across from the White House, Lafayette Park (it is befitting of this French general who helped us whip Britain to gain our independence) that We the People, armed with courage and moral rectitude, as well as the divine grace of our Creator, will begin to fight back against government tyranny. We will not only serve notice that we will no longer endure tyranny from the corrupt leaders who have driven the nation to near destruction, by reading our renewed declaration of independence, but we will speak the truth about what needs to be done to right the ship of state for ourselves, our loved ones and to preserve the freedoms our Founding Fathers and their patriotic hordes fought and died for.

Coupled with this will be the masses who are being called to Washington for this non-violent uprising; we will serve testament to the onlooking nation and world that the people are in charge, not the likes of Obama and Boehner. If wise, the Mullah in Chief ultimately will retire to his favorite golf course in Tehran and the half-sober House speaker to his tanning salon in Georgetown.

Then, when our Reclaim America Now Coalition fires the first peaceful shots at “Lexington and Concord,” we will reconvene some weeks later in Philadelphia, at the City Tavern, which once accommodated the first Continental Congress, the one that gave us the original Declaration of Independence at Constitution Hall. There, delegates of the tea party and other patriots from all 50 states will deliberate, plan for the rest of the revolution and elect a government in waiting, ethically and competently poised to take over the reigns [sic] of a real government responsive to the people.

The Second American Revolution will succeed, because We the People will have the courage to make it so. And, to this end, I command you to join our forces, come to Washington, D.C., Nov. 19, 2013, attend the start of our Second American Revolution and make your voice heard. The time has come for action. The time is over for talk. Let us put both Obama and Democratic and Republican leaders out to pasture, where they can wallow in the manure they have encased us with, and let us reclaim our own destiny free from their political slime, incompetence and tyranny, so help us God!