Tell ‘The Rainbow Mafia To Leave Captain America Alone!’

Steve Pauwels, a pastor in Londonderry, New Hampshire, and an editor at, is not very happy about the inclusion of gay and transgender characters in superhero comic books and is calling on his fellow anti-gay activists to rise up and tell the “Rainbow Mafia to leave Captain America alone!”

In a column posted on today, Pauwels fumes that the “rainbow mafia” has utterly contaminated “healthy male friendship” so that now “any non-libidinous connection between dudes has become fair game for pro-deviancy revisionism.”

“Sodomite supremacists,” he writes, are driven by a “psychic rage” to completely destroy the culture, so much so that they have now even taken over our precious comic books:

When I was a teenager, Captain America was probably my favorite comic book hero. Every month I’d eagerly look forward to the newest issue of Captain America and the Falcon. The Falcon, you ask? He was the red-white-and-blue Avenger’s African-American partner — “partner” as in crime-fighting teammate, not as in the fellow who, after a full day of busting bad guys with Cap, did things with him in the dark that would make most comic aficionados go, “Ewwwww.”

Yes, back in the mid/late 1970’s, “partner” still just meant … well, “partner”; nothing more salacious. But, of course, that semantic status quo couldn’t be allowed to endure — and the meaning of a once innocent word has significantly warped into something icky. As, alas, has occurred with such previously serviceable terms as “gay”, “queer” and “marriage” – the “homosexual rights” movement churns on like a lavender Pac Man, omnivorously gobbling up everything in it’s path.

Why else would it be necessary to contemplate the sexual proclivities of a comic book hotshot? That the fellow firing laser beams from his eyes prefers canoodling with Carl rather than Carla? The guy who can lift a building over his head favors anal intercourse to the real thing? The woman defying gravity’s limitations also flies home at night to be with her “wife”?

Recall Andrew Wheeler’s admission: the goal is not just “some” homosexual heroes, but “enough” of them. “Success” arrives with Captain America and his boyfriend. Except that, for the Lavender Lobby, it’s never “enough”. First, it was “Leave us alone!” Then, prominence in film, television, music, literature. Next? “Gay marriage”. And lately, the comic-book cosmos.

It does supply an idea for a truly daunting supervillain: an unrelenting baddie who wields his powers to transform all of society into his version of a sodomy-worshiping, marriage-distorting, family-depredating Eden. I’d love to see Cap and the Falcon take a crack at challenging, then vanquishing him. Those of us who prize God’s original plan for sexuality and marriage certainly have no other choice.

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