Steve King: It’s ‘Mexicans Or Central Americans That Are Doing The Raping’

In an interview with The Hill newspaper today, Rep. Steve King defended Donald Trump’s comments calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” and drug dealers, echoing Trump in claiming that the risk of sexual assault for women crossing the southern border translates into Mexican and Central American men being rapists.

“So yes, they’re being raped, they’re being murdered they’re being brutalized,” he told The Hill, “and when I know I’ve been challenged on that, ‘well you can’t conclude that (it’s) Mexicans or Central Americans that are doing the raping,’ well, can you conclude anything else? They are being raped, they are victims of rape, and the price for the transit sometimes is, often is and predominantly is their body.”

Interestingly, while Republican presidential candidates have been scrambling to distance themselves from Trump, they continue to cater to King.