Staver: Ex-Gay Therapy Bans Are ‘An Assault Against God Almighty’

For the last several days, Liberty Counsel’s daily “Faith and Freedom” radio program has been taking a look back at the work the organization did in 2014, with Mat Staver declaring on a recent program that they must be successful in their fight against bans on the use of ex-gay “reparative” therapy on minors in California, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. because such bans are part of the so-called gay agenda’s “direct assault” on God.

“These whole issues of homosexuality is a direct assault on gender, on family, on marriage,” Staver said. “As a policy matter, if you were to sanction homosexuality in the law, you are sanctioning harmful activity to individuals. It is patently unhealthy, both physically and mentally … We cannot recreate the natural created order and assume that there are no consequences; there are consequences to children. So Liberty Counsel is involved in these strategic areas, these areas of assault against the family, against gender, against marriage and family; they are an assault against the very foundation of our society, they are an assault against God Almighty and his created order. This is an assault against all of the Judeo-Christian values that we hold near and dear and that’s why we must be involved in these cases, we must win these cases”: