Santorum: Obama’s Not a Real American

Rick Santorum, making his gazillionth visit to Iowa this year as he plots a 2012 run for the White House (because that really is the next logical step after being losing his Senate seat in 2006)  took some time out to talk with Craig Robinson of “The Iowa Republican” and explain why President Obama is not a real American

“Obama is detached form the American experience. He just doesn’t identify with the average American because of his own background. Indonesia and Hawaii. His view is from the viewpoint of academics and the halls of the Ivy league schools that he went to and it’s not a love of this country and an understanding of the basic values and wants and desires of it’s people. And as a result of that, he doesn’t connect with people at that level.

He connects with the soaring rhetoric, and the great promises and this ideological utopian vision. He didn’t connect with people because he felt their pain or he cared about them or he understands them. It’s been, to me, a very important understanding of who this guy is, and I think that’s become evident through this crisis.”

And then, just for good measure, Santorum also weighed in on the resignation of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, saying that the only mistake McChrystal made is “that is he criticized Obama” and Oamba “just simply cannot stand criticism.”

Via the Iowa Independent.