Sandy Rios Says Pornography ‘Sickness’ is ‘The Reason Why Bill Clinton was Elected the Second Time’

American Family Association’s new radio host Sandy Rios, a Fox News contributor and a former president of Concerned Women for America, yesterday maintained that the use of pornography led to the re-election of Bill Clinton even after Americans knew about “all the women in his life, just horrible stories, alleged rapes, just unbelievable, multiple.” While discussing Rick Santorum’s pledge to combat pornography, Rios said that Americans voted for Clinton “because we have allowed so much garbage and immorality and impurity to come into our own homes.”

Rick Santorum has something on his website that says this, Santorum said ‘the United States is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography,’ and I’m reading now from another news piece, the Associated Press, ‘which he said has been shown to produce brain changes in children and adults, caused the destruction of marriages and contribute to prostitution and violence against women.’

It certainly won’t appeal to the mainstream population, I think that’s true. I often have said that I think that’s the reason why President Bill Clinton was elected to a second term after we knew about Monica Lewinski and when we knew about all the women in his life, just horrible stories, alleged rapes, just unbelievable, multiple! And yet we re-elected him, I think that was more appalling than having him be elected the first time, the fact that the American people knew all of that and still voted him in.

I wondered at the time what that was all about and I really do think it’s because we have allowed so much garbage and immorality and impurity to come into our own homes, whether it’s in movies, I think video stores were the beginning of that and satellite television perhaps, little towns are no longer innocent, they are as corrupt as the big cities. People gaze on things that they would never have even mentioned or thought of before.

I’ve read studies that men who were into pornography in the past, and I know that men just have a proclivity for images like that, that men that feed themselves on that go through harder and harder stuff to find stimulation and they get into stuff that they would never, ever, ever have thought about, and many times it’s child porn. So it is a progressive thing, it is a sickness and I think that’s the reason why Bill Clinton was elected the second time.