Rios: ‘There are Tons of People in Government’ who are Communists

On yesterday’s “AFA Today” radio program, Buster Wilson welcomed fellow AFA Radio Host Sandy Rios on to the program to discuss Rep. Allen West’s recent allegation that were some 80 members of Congress who were members of the Communist Party.

Both Wilson and Rios were convinced that West was absolutely right, as Obama himself “admits to receiving Marxist training” and has filled his administration with open Marxists.  In fact, there was so much evidence that Communists have infiltrated the government that Wilson could not understand “why the Left would mock those of us on the Right who call attention to it.”

But Rios explained that mockery was all part of an effort to discredit those who point out that “there are tons of people in government … who embrace Socialism/Communism, even if they don’t call it that”: 

UPDATE: Rios has posted a column on AFA’s OneNewsNow seemingly suggesting that Obama is some sort of Communist plant who is aiming to help rebuild the Soviet Union:

The FBI waged war against Communist subversives from its earliest years until the 1980s when President Ronald Reagan brought the godless “Evil Empire,” soaked in the blood of millions slain by Joseph Stalin, to its knees.

Yet the American Left idolized that empire and its ideology. The KGB was actively recruiting young American college students at the time young Bill Clinton mysteriously showed up in Russia while travel was still forbidden. In their own manifesto, Prairie Fire, William Ayres and Bernadine Dorn wrote: “We are a guerrilla organization …. We are communist women and men …. We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead the struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and build the new society.” The Weather Underground sought the “violent over throw of the United States government.”

The Marxist Barack Obama Sr. came to America and married Ms. Stanley Dunham, who he met in Russian class. Frank Marshall Davis, an editor of a Communist newspaper in Chicago with a damning FBI dossier, was a close friend to Ms. Dunham’s father and later a mentor to his grandson, Barack Obama Jr., referred to affectionately as “Frank” in Dreams from my Father.

From the cousin Obama campaigned for, Kenyan Marxist Prime Minister, Raila Odingo, to Green Job Czar-Communist, Van Jones, to former White House communications director Anita Dunn, whose favorite political philosopher was Mao Zedong, to senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, daughter-in-law of Vernon Jarrett, philosophical friend and coworker of Frank Marshall Davis, the circle of Soviet romanticists surrounding the President seems endless.

So, what did the administration mean about resetting relations with Russia? And if this proclivity to “make it up” to the weakened Russians, handing them the tools to reclaim power, is already in place, is the gutted Space Shuttle Discovery a metaphor of what comes next?