Right Wing Round-Up

  • Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama called the proposed anti-gay Uganda legislation “odious” … and Ugandan officials are apparently not pleased.
  • One Iowa warns that “right-wing extremists are resorting to underhanded tactics in an attempt to take away the freedom to marry.”
  • Americans United says a brief filed by Wallbuilders is “offensive, disrespectful and essentially advocates that the government should feel free to discriminate against all non-Judeo-Christian religions.” Yep, that sounds like Wallbuilders.
  • Apparently, Sen. Orrin Hatch meant the exact opposite of what he said when he stated that was open to the idea of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
  • Finally, do you think Sen. Mitch McConnell will be forced to apologize for insulting the FBI? Me neither.