Right Wing Round-Up

  • Today was James Dobson’s final broadcast for Focus on the Family, and to show there are no hard feelings, Focus donated $1 million toward his new venture with his son.
  • Tony Perkins’ being uninvited to the prayer luncheon was big news on right-wing outlets today.
  • A collection of Religious Right leaders have sent a letter to Congress asking it to stop DC’s march toward marriage equality.
  • “Atheism and Secular Humanism” were to blame for The Holocaust, not Christianity. Good to know.
  • The CADC’s Gary Cass,  who continues to insist that the murder of two street preachers in Florida was an act of anti-Christian violence despite an utter lack of evidence, declares that “we need to send a message that this kind of violence against Christians cannot be tolerated in our culture.”
  • Finally, quote of the day from WorldNetDaily columnist Robert Ringer attacking Mike Huckabee for interviewing First Lady Michelle Obama: “Mike Huckabee’s Slick Willie cleverness makes him hard to pin down, but his interview with Michelle Obama connected a lot of the dots for me. I once speculated that Mike Huckabee could possibly get the Republican nomination without the support of the Republican Party’s conservative base if he could put together a coalition of evangelicals and disenfranchised independents and liberal Democrats. Today, I’m here to tell you to forget about that theory. It won’t happen. By interviewing Michelle Obama on his show – apparently without concern for Rush Limbaugh’s recent chest pains – he lost any chance he may have had for gaining the Republican nomination.”