Right-Wing Pundits Blame School Shooting On Liberals, Feminists

WorldNetDaily columnist Carl Jackson knows who is really to blame for the Umpqua Community College shooting: Liberals.

As Jackson put it, liberals who back the separation of church and state should be held responsible for the shooting because they prevented schools from teaching students how to pray to God:

It didn’t take long for President Obama to blame the object – a gun – used by the murderer of the Umpqua Community College massacre in Roseburg, Oregon, rather than the murderer himself. Nor did he mention the fact that the victims were shot execution style in the head as they confessed their Christian faith to the murderer one at a time, when asked at gunpoint. If leftists were as adamant about keeping God in schools, as they are about keeping guns off school campuses, I believe we’d have fewer mass shootings.

Without the God of the Bible, morals are relative. The victims of the murderer, which happened to be Christian, valued life. The murderer, obviously, did not. We can continue to pretend, and get nowhere, that pieces of metal are responsible when acts of evil like this occur, or we can choose to address the real issue: the lack of eternal consequences taught to our kids today. If a person grows up believing he’ll be punished in this life, and the one to come, by committing such a heinous crime, do you think he’d be more or less likely to murder someone? This is such an important and obvious question. Unfortunately, the left refuses to ask it. As a result, we have a generation of kids that don’t understand cause and effect. If God isn’t talked about in our schools, why should we act surprised when students act like it?

Leftists want to blame guns and extremists whenever these atrocities repeat themselves. However, it is unchecked evil that’s to blame – evil often brought on by the left’s pursuit of a completely secular America. The truth is, if the left valued life as they claim, they’d place more gun-toting, Black Lives Matter hated cops on campuses to protect our kids from harm. Perhaps they’d even consider abiding by the Second Amendment and allow the good guys to conceal their guns. You don’t stop evil by banning guns! You stop evil by killing evil people! The left can’t understand this. Without God as a source of objective truth, how could they?

But Jackson’s rant about how church-state separation contributes to school shootings pales in comparison to that of Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos, who said that feminists should be held responsible for suppressing men’s need “to shoot things.”

Masculinity isn’t fragile, as a spiteful, sociopathic feminist Twitter hashtag recently claimed. But — and here’s where some man-hating feminists almost get it right — it is powerful, and exciting, and it does have a flip-side if not properly respected. At its best, male competitiveness is the driving force behind most of society’s progress. We would be nowhere without the patriarchy, from the internet and space travel to the road under your feet and the roof on your house. The same thing that drives mass shooters inspires courage, too.

That doesn’t mean masculinity is “toxic.” What’s toxic is society’s attitudes towards men. Masculinity only becomes “toxic” when it is beaten down and suppressed and when men are told that what and who they are is defective. It becomes toxic when young boys are drugged in school because they don’t conform to feminine standards of behaviour.

What’s worse is that the media ridicules, criticises, punishes and demonises masculinity, then uses the product of its own hatred to justify more man-hating, in a Kafkaesque cycle of progressive insanity that has only one, inevitable consequence: more innocent dead people.

Progressives don’t see the irony in going after “straight white men.” But they are hypocritical bigots, hounding people for gender, skin colour and sexuality and saying that essential male characteristics are wrong. Men must be allowed to compete. To fight. To shoot things. Today’s man-punishing, feminised culture is creating killers by suppressing these urges. We have to stop it.

The confusion and alienation that so many young men feel today drives some to drop out of society completely and to retreat into pornography and video games. But others — the less stable, less supported, less able to cope with their natures — become progressively more angry until they explode in rage and pain.