Right Wing Leftovers – 2/15/12

  • Does the Christian Defense Coalition’s Pat Mahoney do anything other than protest outside the White House and vow to get arrested?
  • Based on the truly terrifying introduction Callista Gingrich delivered at CPAC, I can’t imagine how this is a good idea.
  • Rick Santoum wins the heavily influential Megadeth endorsement.
  • First it was balloon, then teddy bears, and now Janet Porter is flooding the Ohio state house with roses.
  • It is amazing how the Religious Right seems to think that being a conservative Christian entitles them to say whatever they want without consequence and that any criticism of them is anti-Christian bigotry.
  • Jay Richards and James Robison say “it’s hard to not conclude that his administration is the most militantly secularist in history.”
  • Finally, why can’t Sen. Orrin Hatch’s staff just admit that he was wrong instead of claiming that he “misspoke“? Making demonstrably false assertions is not misspeaking.

Tags: Janet Porter