Right Wing Leftovers – 1/7/13

  • WorldNetDaily has really outdone itself by attacking Neil Patrick Harris for starring in an ad for the Super Bowl…which must mean he is mocking Tim Tebow and pushing the “gay agenda”!
  • Absolutely stunned that Fox News deceptively edited a speech by President Obama to attack him on gun policy. 
  • Just a mere eight percent of Americans identify as Tea Party members, but that won’t stop Tea Party groups and politicians from claiming they speak for the majority of Americans. 
  • Gary Bauer says Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Defense Secretary proves “Obama is a leftist ideologue whose economic policies are socialistic and whose foreign policies are weak and pro-Islamism.” 
  • Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times that Democrats have an “obsession with alternative states of ecstasy, extreme environmentalism, perverse sex, big government and confiscatory taxes.” 
  • Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel warns there is a push to “criminalize speech by U.S. citizens on homosexuality.” 
  • WND editor Joseph Farah says the End Times are fast approaching.