Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Everything You’re Looking For In Portland

  • Alex Marlow claims that Breitbart deserves a “victory lap” for the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.
  • National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown writes that the impending debate over Kavanaugh’s confirmation debate will be important for “restoration” of restrictive marriage laws
  • Liz Crokin harasses CNBC reporter Christina Wilkie and encourages her fans to harass the journalist: “Christina Wilkie is a reporter for CNBC, The Hill & Huff Post. She is an accomplice in the rape, torture & trafficking of kids by covering up Pizzagate.”
  • Jim Hoft accuses the right-wing media’s favorite boogeyman, George Soros, of fueling “race riots” by funding both the alt-right and the groups who oppose it.
  • The Proud Boys may have bailed on a planned rally in Berkeley, but the hate group is still planning to rally in Portland, Oregon, next weekend: “There’ll be way more of everything you’re looking for in Portland anyways.”
  • Self-labeled “New Right” activist Ali Akbar finds common ground on a podcast with white nationalist Nick Fuentes.