Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 2/11/16

  • Ben Carson says he is staying in the presidential race because he has millions of supporters who are begging him not to quit.
  • Speaking of Carson, he too will be campaigning at Rick Joyner’s church in South Carolina.
  • Janet Porter is not happy about an ad featuring gay couples: “People call all kinds of things love. Polygamy. Incest. Homosexuality … [S]in isn’t ‘love’ not matter how many television ads they run.”
  • Ted Cruz’s main national security advisor is an art historian.
  • Finally, FRC is calling on presidential candidates “to reject forcing our daughters to register for the draft”: “For years, women have served in the U.S. military honorably and with distinction. That fact is indisputable. But these women have served on a voluntary basis — the choice to serve was theirs alone. Requiring women to register for the draft is to forcibly put our daughters in harm’s way against their will.”