Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 10/6/14

  • Speaker John Boehner does not seem too concerned about the effort by anti-gay Religious Right groups to mobilize voters against gay Republican candidate Carl DeMaio.
  • Glenn Beck doesn’t understand why nobody believes his new peace, love, and understanding message: “Why can’t we stop calling each other names? I know this is hard for many people to swallow from me. I do not claim to be perfect. In fact far from it. But everyone needs to start somewhere. I am trying to change my ways and be a better man. It begins with listening to others and not claiming to have all of the answers. It begins with humility and a willingness to admit to being wrong.”
  • It is amazing that Dinesh D’Souza is actually treated as a serious intellectual by those on the Right.
  • Jan Markell does not have much faith in government efforts to convince American Muslims not to go overseas to fight jihad: “This is liberalism run amok. When liberalism gets away with these kinds of things, eventually there’s going to be carnage on a mass scale, because they are willing to look the other way because of political correctness.”
  • Gina Loudon warns that “the Democrats need the illegal vote to win in 2016, because they can’t win with only the vote of the American people. And they will win at any cost, even if it means Americans are infected with Third-World diseases … This is no longer about Republicans versus Democrats. The midterm elections are about life versus death. This election and the 2016 election have become about one party that respects freedom and life, and one that thinks you are not only stupid, but expendable.”
  • Finally, here are “9 Prophetic Keys for Binding the Homosexual Spirit.”