Rick Joyner Says The Second Law Of Thermodynamics Disproves The Theory Of Evolution

During his “Prophetic Perspective on Current Events” program last week, Rick Joyner set out to discuss the topic of “Bedlam on the Border” but quickly got distracted and ended up explaining instead how the Second Law of Thermodynamics fundamentally disproves the theory of evolution.

As Joyner explained it, the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that “everything will trend toward disorder unless it is acted upon by an outside, intelligent source.” That is, of course, not what the law says at all, but in Joyner’s understanding, it proves that evolution is false.

Joyner argued that the Second Law of Thermodynamics proves “absolutely to the kazillionth power” that all of the events necessary to create life on earth could not have happened by accident, before asserting that “a lot of people don’t understand how that impacts the theory of evolution.”

But Joyner does.

“It fundamentally disproves the theory of evolution,” he said. “The theory of evolution is impossible. It is absolutely impossible. That’s why they’ve never found the missing link. It doesn’t exist. If it existed, you’d be finding it everywhere all the time. It would be everywhere you look … And sooner or later, we’ve got to realize how stupid the theory of evolution is. You have really got to be out of touch to believe something like that”:

Allow us to remind everyone that Joyner personally spent eight hours in Heaven recently, so he obviously knows what he is talking about.

Tags: Rick Joyner