Randall Terry Revels in Oklahoma Delegate Victory

Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry is running for the Democratic presidential nomination in order to run graphic ads against abortion rights, which he says have aired in fifteen states. Because he won over 15% of the vote in the Oklahoma primary, where he had the help of Ann Coulter, Terry will likely have at least one delegate representing his candidacy at the Democratic National Convention.

He said in a statement yesterday that he hopes his campaign and Obama’s support for abortion rights will cost Obama “the White House in 2012”:

“My message was simple: Obama promotes the murder of babies by abortion, and is attacking the Church and religious liberty. Knowing this, a Christian cannot vote for him in good conscience.

“Obama’s promotion of the murder of unborn babies could cost him the White House in 2012. I will run in at least 6 swing states, and be a voice for the babies who are dying under Obama’s policies. If these numbers hold true in those states, the plight of the babies will cause Obama to lose the White House in 2012. How’s that for the most critical ‘social issue’ of our times being the driving force of an election? Obama’s promotion of murder is his Achilles heal [sic].”