Pratt: ‘Racist’ Holder Wants to Keep White People From Defending Selves Against ‘Black Mobs’

Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt has been one of the most outspoken proponents of the popular right-wing theory that Trayvon Martin’s murder and the subsequent police inaction had nothing to do with race and that President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and others are the real racists for daring to talk about racial bias in the criminal justice system.

Pratt brought his argument today to the sympathetic audience of American Family Radio’s Tim Wildmon and Jim Stanley, telling them up front that “Holder is a racist.”

In fact, Pratt tells them, Holder is considering civil rights charges against George Zimmerman in order to “intimidate the rest of the country so that we don’t think about defending ourselves” against “attacks by black mobs on white individuals.”

He cites, of course, the phony scandal surrounding two members of the New Black Panther Party who stood briefly in front of a heavily-Democratic polling place in Philadelphia during the 2008 election – the Justice Department eventually dropped charges against the unarmed member of the pair, provoking a Fox News-driven storm of outrage. Holder later told members of Congress that the phony outrage and comparisons of the Philadelphia incident to systematic voter intimidation and suppression in the Jim Crow South did “a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people.”

Pratt, of course, takes Holder’s “my people” quote unrecognizably out of context in order to suggest that the attorney general doesn’t “belong in this country” and should move to Cuba: