Phyllis Schlafly: ‘Girl’ Marines Make US Look Weak

Phyllis Schlafly has latched onto the news from December that the Marine Corps is delaying its toughened pull-up requirement for women, part of the preparation for allowing women to serve in combat roles.

The delay does not mean that the Marines have lowered the strength standard for people going into combat, but don’t tell that to Schlafly. In her radio commentary on Friday, the Eagle Forum founder declared that “women in combat are a danger to themselves and also to the rest of the unit” because “lowering our strength standards sends a message to the world that our military is not as strong as it used to be, and that it’s more important to appease the feminists than to ensure the strength of our forces.”

“Our enemies are tough, strong, vicious men ready to fight to the death, and we need real men to fight them, not girls who can’t even do pull-ups,” she added.

Of course, many US allies, including Israel, allow women to serve in combat.